Joe Dyer, 4A Leadership



Beginning his career with 9 years in the Royal Air Force, Joe now brings over 30 years of practical senior executive leadership experience and learning from across industries and geographies.


Bachelor of Science, with Honors
Computer Science
Univ. of Manchester, UK

London Business School, UK 

Certified Facilitator
Everything DiSC®

Accredited Facilitator
The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™

Certified Coach & Facilitator
The Alternative Board


  • American Express USA
  • AOL (Start-Up Phase) USA
  • First Union Bank, USA
  • Ameritech, USA
  • Motorola, Latin America     
  • Citibank, Argentina
  • Capital One, USA
  • British Gas, London
  • Xerox, India
  • Xerox, Latin America
  • Vistage CHAIR, Southern CA


Royal Air Force College, Sleaford, UK

 Flight Lieutenant
 Royal Air Force, United Kingdom

Fighter & Strategic Reconnaissance Aircrew
Navigator, Radar Intercept Officer, Weapons Systems Officer

Joe flew F4 "Phantom" Fighter jet and the PR9 Reconnaissance jet as the Navigator, Radar Intercept Officer & Weapons Systems Officer for nine years in the Royal Air Force with duties in the United Kingdom, Central Europe, Northern Europe, the Middle East, Central America and the Falkland Islands.

Since then he has held senior executive positions leading organizations as large as 12,500 people around the world.

Joe has led major change in large complex organizations and has a "hands on" approach which has enabled him to engage at all levels in an organization with a style that creates an endemic level of belief, buy-in, drive and commitment. 

Joe's questioning style, linked with his ability to absorb and retain large quantities of information, and then "connect the dots", has been a critical element in his ability to work in so many vastly different industries. 

Often, Joe has found that when he enters a new company or industry and starts asking a myriad of probing questions, the presiding team members find themselves challenging things that they had previously taken for granted. This often has resulted in rapid exposure to opportunities for change and significant growth in performance.

This element of his style has also enabled Joe to be highly impactful as 4A Leadership works with its clients.

Joe was the winner of a prestigious award at a major "black-tie" event held at the Dorchester Ballroom in London. He was nominated for and won the award for Executive Customer Service Leader of the Year, 2005, in the United Kingdom.

This was recognition indeed for the massive scale of change he strategized and led with 12,500 people in his team at British Gas, in the United Kingdom.
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